Friday, January 4, 2013

salted smoothie

i have super low blood pressure. like, scary-low.

whenever i go to the doctor, they take my pressure and the kindly nurse cocks her head, knits her brows together and asks me if I feel okay or if i'd like a glass of water.

that's just me...80 over 65 or thereabouts...sometimes much lower. and it stinks because i get dizzy and can get terrrible headaches and massive fatigue if i don't watch it.

and i watch it with salt. lots and lots of salt.

i feel best when i've been on a drive-thru bender for a week or so but that's not really consistent with the healthy lifestyle we try to achieve over here, right?

so how does a girl get her salt on when she's on a 40 day smoothie fast?

with a salted-cocoa-maple-kale smoothie, thats how!

(adapted from a farmer in the dell)

into the pool goes:

1 large banana

1 handful black organic kale

1 handful organic spinach

1tbs pure maple syrup

2tbs black cocoa powder

1tsp pure vanilla

1/8-1/4 tsp sea salt

1/2tbs organic peanut butter or almond butter

1tbs flax

1/4 c chocolate almond milk

3/4 cup spring water

6 ice cubes

zoomzoom and delicious! tastes remakably like sanders salted chocolate caramels only much, much better for me.

here's to maintaining my salty blood AND getting some chocolate :-)



  1. Thar sounds yummy. Do i have to give up my coffee to do this diet?

  2. well, that's up to you. if i gave up coffe, i would have to give up sanity!
